
Dr Manuel Corpas
ORCID:    0000-0002-4417-1018
Publons:  1168880
Twitter:  @manuelcorpas
LinkedIn: manuelcorpas

Dr. Manuel Corpas is a distinguished bioinformatician recognised for his pioneering work in genomics and its applications to personalised medicine. He has been instrumental in the development and implementation of novel computational methodologies to analyse and interpret human genomes. Dr. Corpas’ innovative research has bridged the gap between raw genomic data and actionable clinical insights, paving the way for more precise and tailored healthcare solutions.

Dr. Corpas has been an advocate for open science, contributing to several collaborative platforms and initiatives aiming to promote data sharing and transparency in genomics. His dedication extends to education, where he has mentored the next generation of bioinformaticians and genomic scientists.

Dr Corpas graduated in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Navarra, with a Master’s degree and a PhD in Bioinformatics from the University of Manchester plus 3.5 years of postdoctoral experience at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.

Currently Dr Corpas is Lecturer of Genomics at the University of Westminster (11/2021 – present), Chief Scientist and Founder of Cambridge Precision Medicine (12/2017 – present), Guest Lecturer at the University of Cambridge (7/2018 – present) and founder of Genoinsight Limited (02/2022 – Present). Since 2016 he is a member of the Software Sustainability Institute.

To get the most current and detailed information about Dr. Manuel Corpas, his ongoing projects, and his most recent contributions to the field, it would be beneficial to visit his social media profiles, or other professional networking sites where he has an active presence.